Golden Summer Day by Floriana Barbu
This is vulnerability…
the heart, pierced
by every appearance of beauty.
Beauty in woman.
Beauty in man.
Beauty in child.
Beauty in flower.
Beauty in tree.
Beauty in sky.
We consent
to ache,
forever, if we must.
We consent
to ache,
with integrated soul.
We descend
with open,
willing gait
To an underworld
of light
and voice.
And here is passion—
and here is indifference—
We do not close our eyes
in a rapture
of submission.
The more we look,
the more we see,
the more we realize.
What fullness,
to meet the other’s gaze
with eyes
captured by fire!
What oneness,
to say…
It is your radiance
that kindles me, love!