Golden Summer Day by Floriana Barbu
This is vulnerability…
the heart, pierced
by every appearance of beauty.
Beauty in woman.
Beauty in man.
Beauty in child.
Beauty in flower.
Beauty in tree.
Beauty in sky.
We consent
to ache,
forever, if we must.
We consent
to ache,
with integrated soul.
We descend
with open,
willing gait
To an underworld
of light
and voice.
And here is passion—
and here is indifference—
We do not close our eyes
in a rapture
of submission.
The more we look,
the more we see,
the more we realize.
What fullness,
to meet the other’s gaze
with eyes
captured by fire!
What oneness,
to say…
It is your radiance
that kindles me, love!
breathe on that flame, to keep it alive!
Oh Nevine, that brilliant reflected radiance, the flame of love. That fire must be fueled lest it turn to dying embers.
Loved it!
hummmm hummm hummm .. and I dance IN your words my dear Lady, while I look into the eyes of my beloved and read to him your very words- may I?
Another masterpiece.
So joyful, love it!
this was a delight as the words slip from my tongue...beautiful, always you send my soul to hieghts before unseen.
BT: I started a series of erotic shorts on my blog, I have posted one already, the second will be up tommorow, I know u like some of my erotic works :)
C'est si beau! Vraiment, il n'existe pas de mots pour décrire le ravissement que procure la lecture de ce merveilleux poème.
Et combien j'adore les deux dernières lignes!
"It is your radiance
that kindles me, love"
Gros BISOUS et merci mille fois pour tout le bonheur et "radiance" que tu répands autour de toi****
ps1: j'ai mis des photos sur "les pieds dans l'eau...", mais ne te moque pas de moi! He he he;o)
ps2: J'espère que tu as passé une très bonne journée avec tout le succès que tu mérites, ma belle amie*******
Nevine, this had a calming effect as I moved from line to line. Reading the lines over and over made me surrender to the radiance of love.
This also reflects your state of mind. Calm, still, and peaceful.
Joy always,
a wonderful, deep poem...! So good to read your blog!
you always light a fire within me with every word that rolls off your lips...
That is a selfless, consuming love you talk about there. I wish for that.
I love your poems. I do.
yes, his eyes - the windows to his soul - eyes wide open to shut out the world! it truly is his radiance that kindles my soul - still -
you have lived my life - loved my own love - uttered my own words - magnifique, dear lady!
Radiance is a rare thing.
What a beautiful poem of connection.
May your radiance continue to shine brilliant dazzling light across the deep dark depths of the universe... We are lucky to be thus illuminated...
LW - I'm breathing, LW. Nobody wants to keep it alive like I do!
Steve - You're absolutely right. Thank you, Steve.
Dulce - Of course, you may. And keep dancing, too. Nothing like dancing to keep the rhythm alive. :-)
David - So delighted to hear you enjoyed this one, dear friend!
Cremilde - Oui, ma belle. It's those two last lines that I enjoyed writing the most. It seems that whichever lines I like to write most are the ones I get the nicest feedback for. He he he... Et c'est moi la ravie! Merci, mon amie. Tu es toujours gentille. Bises!!!
Susan - You know, you are so right. I have been in a calm state these past few days... actually, the past couple of weeks. And it seems it's coming out in my writing. But I'm quickly drawn back into the dark places of the mind... I just find them so attractive. ;-)
Renee - Hello, and thank you for the lovely words.
Sir Thomas - And you bring a warm smile to me with your sweet kindness. :-) Thank you.
Eva - And who does not wish for it? If all love was selfless, this world would be so much more the brilliant place to be...
Adriana - And I love to hear it... I do. :-) Thank you, my dear!
Jenean - We must be kindred spirits... I tell you. One day, we will sit together and talk about that love... those loves... those eyes... that magic! Thank you ever so much, Jenean!
Jason - Indeed!
Jai - Thank you. Every once in a while, I feel it is important to share this type of connection, too.
Owen - I am the lucky one, Owen, to be illuminated by your presence and that of others. :-)
Coucou Nevine!
Avant d'aller au dodo, je passe te souhaiter un merveilleux weekend avec une myriade d'étoiles amies;o)
Gros BISOUS pour toi, et un grand bonjour à ton chéri****
ps: hope all is well with your studies
Cremilde - Je viens de "te rendre visite," ma belle! Bon weekend to you too, my dear! Tout va bien, oui. Mais je suis inondée avec mes études. Ouf! La semaine prochaine... ouf! I don't want to think about it. :-)
He he he!
Je viens de voir tes messages;o)
Merci tout plein pour tes petits visites et tes petits mots toujours si sympas;o) Tu es un amour;o)
Bon, j'espère que tu vas arriver à trouver un peu de temps pour souffler et faire des choses plus agréables;o)
J'avais oublié de te dire à quel point ça m'a fait plaisir de trouver ta petite carte dans le colis et combien j'ai apprécié aussi la dédicace dans le livre. Merci pour ces trésors, mon amie;o)
Gros BISOUS et à tout bientôt, ma belle****
Cremilde - He he he... j'ai vu aussi tes dédicaces... et j'ai adoré. Le trésor, c'est toi! Bisous bisous, et bon weekend!
What a lovely and reflective poem, nevine!!
a feel of joy and peace which actually your poem describes it perfectly!
i just breathed it all in and i'm ready for a nice weekend and a new week. :)
big hugs!
missed you!
Encantador blog el tuyo, un placer haberme pasado por tu espacio.
Saludos y un abrazo.
C'est toi le trésor, ma belle amie;o)
Big bisous et belle soirée****
it kindles me too!
PS/'Man's search for meaning'...
has been very inspiring in my life, i read it when i was made me cry, those were the tears of growing.
And, My first philosophical encounter with Thanatos.
Right now i'm reading 'intimate death'....a book i've been pushing off for quite sometime!
Its different but 'logotherapy' all the same!
just found your blog. glad to be here :)
Well done dear:
My mind jumped to the thought of Walt Whitman as I read your poem.
You have a gift for the use of words.
Kind regards,
It's the poets who, when we are becoming blinded by what we are looking for, open our eyes to the beauty that has been there all along.
Thank you.
Betty - Oh, thank you! You are always so generous with your praise. And I always appreciate it... I do! I hope you're having a beautiful week, my dear. Hugs back to you!
La sonrisa de Hyperion - Thank you, the pleasure is mine.
Cremilde - He he he... Bisous! :-)
COL - Frankl's book... I'm reading it slowly... sipping it... and enjoying the flavor. It is so filled with an understanding for human need. I don't know that I would have handled reading it at 15, though! ;-) It's a lot to handle, as it is...
Lines n shades - I'm happy to hear it.
Stranger in a strange land - Walt Whitman! Hmmm... I don't dare rank myself with the likes of Whitman... but I humbly accept your compliment. What a joy for me! Thank you!
The militant working boy - Well, thank you. We are all blind to beauty, most of the time. We're always too busy focusing on the ugly, it seems. I wonder why, though, when beauty is so abundant?
Coucou, Nevine!
J'étais en train de chercher des photos pour préparer mon prochain post pour "Les pieds dans l'eau..." et j'ai vu que tu étais passée;o)
En ce moment, je passe beaucoup de temps dans le jardin! Il y a tellement à faire!!!
Et ce sera le sujet de mon prochain post, alors je ne t'en dis pas plus;o)
J'espère que tout va comme tu le désires et que ta bonne étoile prend bien soin de toi*******
Gros BISOUS, ma belle****
ps: Oui, je suis d'accord avec toi! Nous ne sommes guère que des poupées de porcelaine dans des petites maisons en verre! Aussi, faisons en sorte que personne n'ait envie de nous jeter des pierres;o)
ps: donne mon bonjour à qui tu sais;o)
Mildred Eco est un autre anagramme de mon prénom et des initiales de mon nom de jeune fille;o)
Gros bisous et à bientôt chez Mildred;o)
Merci tout plein pour ta visite!
Moi aussi, j'adore tes jardins...virtuels...ou plutôt spirituels;o)
Belle soirée et à tout bientôt. Kiss kiss;o)
I am in awe. I see you quite often over on Susan Deborah's blog, and I always marvel at your comments. Your poetry is amazing.
Cremilde - Merci, ma belle. You are always so very sweet, and how to say thank you without sounding like a broken record?!?! Je vais lui dire bonjour!!! :-)
Mildred - He he he... t'es adorable, quoi! ;-) Kiss kiss!
Angie - Thank you, Angie. What a nice thing to say! I hope to see you again...
and I rarely say things just to say them...and I only comment when I feel compelled...
This poem is absolutely beautiful and I'm very grateful to have read it today. :)
Camille - Thank you for the lovely words. And I'm glad to know you are an honest spirit who only says things when she means them... because... I am very much the same way. Welcome aboard both here and at "the naked light"!
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