Summer's End by Marion Rose
I have sat here before
and watched the summer days
falter before my eyes
and have seen their short-spanned lives
suck the last sweet breath
from between the lips of the sky
as globes of sunlight
peach-orange and golden-yellow
crept upon rolling waves
one by one
And one by one
I took my breaths
swept life off her feet
and into my quickening lungs
and listened as my pulse rushed
silver inside my veins
while the cobalt-blue waters
watched me clasp my craving arms
around my singing bones
and tremble in summer-love’s orgasm
If I waited long enough
I would hear the copper wail of fall
coming from afar
stumbling upon its own feet
charging across the drought
of this glaring ground
tossing red and gold gifts
to whomever wished to receive
twining its throbbing legs
with the awaiting earth
Thrusting its fluttering arms
into all things far and wide
and today I sit
still and statuesque
tranquil and beautiful
open and serene
waiting for summer’s flight
to stretch itself
about my quivering silhouette
and touch me
one last time.