Saturday, January 28, 2012


Detail from Venus with a Mirror, Titian

You gather your thoughts like
one gathers so many vagabond grains of sand,

And this I recognize ever so patiently
as our ‘growing into’ one another sparks,

our furtively flickering synthesis
day after day

year after year
this measured merging of one with one

And flaressudden, speechless
like my recognition of my need for breath,

when I am gasping on its absence.


Momo Luna S!gnals said...
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Momo Luna S!gnals said...

Dear Nevine,
it has been awhile, i was away from the internet also for a few weeks, but it's so good to be back, reading your hypnotic, beautiful words. Like this poem > breathtaking. :-)

Sweet greetz for you, Monica

Nevine Sultan said...

Monica - It's so lovely to see you here! Wow, it has been such a long time, but we all do need a break, every once in a while. I'm also not the active blogger I once was. :-) Life, so sweetly, imposes... and I just can't ignore her. Thank you so much, Monica, for your kind visit, and your lovely words of praise. I so appreciate it!

steveroni said...

Nevine, I like synthesis, especially the surreptitiously flickering kind!

And the merging of one with one..OHH! And I only miss 'anything' when I don't have it.

Hey girl...just how many chapters of my mundane autobiography are you planning to 'poeticize', making it sound like Divinely inspired?--grin!

Just a real pleasure to be here.

Mildred said...

Coucou Nevine!
J'ai adoré ton poème!
"you gather (so beautifully) your thoughts like one gathers so many vagabond grains of sand"
And you always turn them into wonderful writings!

Big BIZZZOUZZZZ, ma belle*et BELLE semaine***

Mildred said...

Je suis allée te lire dans TNL!
Je crois bien que je n'ai jamais essayé de me comprendre. Rien que d'y penser j'ai déjà mal à la tête!
Je crois bien que ça doit être aussi entangled que les branches de l'arbre dans la très belle photo qui accompagne tes mots;o)

Re BIZZZOUZZZZ, ma belle****

Cildemer said...

Juste un petit mot pour te dire que Cildemer ferme 'Sky my Camera...' et que dorénavant c'est uniquement son petit âne qui te rendra visite!

Biz biz biz, mon amie****

Pat Tillett said...

Hi Nevine! I've been busy also. Missed your posts. Very nice poem.
I remember a time when I thought the merging of two into one was a terrible and controling thing. Now, I'm there and as happy as I could ever hope to be...

Ashley Ashbee said...

I haven't been to your blog in ages and I'm not sure why. I really enjoy your poetry. The sand simile is great, especially how you've animated and personified it.

Judith Mercado said...

"... vagabond grains of sand ..."

As always, you leave me with lingering images.

Nevine Sultan said...

Steve - I think we all think our lives are mundane, but that's really hardly the truth. If our lives were so boring, those of us who like to write about them would be at a loss for things to say. Life is so very INTERESTING... yours and mine both! ;-) Thank you, Steve. It's such a pleasure to have you here.

Mildred - Et moi, j'adore tes mots, aussi! :-) Merci, ma belle, pour tes mots sure Oxygen. Et pour TNL, t'as raison! C'est beaucoup plus entangled than I dare imagine!!! He he he... Bon weekend, ma belle! :-)

Nevine Sultan said...

Cildemer - Awwww! Ça m'a fait plaisir de te rendre visite sur Sky My Camera! Mais j'adore le petit âne, aussi!!! ;-)

Pat - I hear you. I think the thought of being merged with the wrong person is what delivers that feeling of being controlled. But when it's the right person... it's a different story... control-free! :-)

Nevine Sultan said...

Ashley - It's so nice to see you here. Please feel free to swing by whenever you feel you want to. I'm always here... always writing... though now less frequently than before. We all get pulled away...

Judy - Thank you. I think poetry without images would be so lackluster, and just not poetry!

Yvonne Osborne said...

This is a beautiful poem. I particularly like the last three lines. And congrats on the Copperfield Review. A great achievement! It makes me proud to have been included with the likes of you in Notes From Underground.

Mildred said...

Coucou ma belle!
Merci tout plein pour le plaisir de tes visites et tes adorables petits mots;o)
J'ai écouté les infos et je suis triste, et j'espère que tout va bien pour ta famille et tous tes proches.
Comme il ferait bon de vivre sur une planète où chaque être humain aurait à cœur de semer de l'amour plutôt que de la violence et de la haine.

Bizzzouzzzz bizzzouzzzz bizzzouzzzz, un grand bonjour à ton chéri, et une belle fin de semaine à tous deux****

steveroni said...

Hey Queen Nevine--I saw that "test" slip in-and-out in less time than a ;-)..Wondering...did I fail?

Nevine Sultan said...

Hey Steve, I was just trying out this thing to see if it works... you know, the reply under the comment. Sheesh... I don't know what blogger is going to do next!

Nevine Sultan said...

Thanks, Yvonne. And hey, I am the proud one. You are an awesome writer, and so was everyone who contributed to that anthology! Thanks so much for swinging by, Yvonne!

Nevine Sultan said...

Merci, mon amie. Tout va bien pour ma famille, mais moi aussi, je suis triste pour tous les autres familles. Bisous bisous, ma belle, et merci!!!

Mildred said...

Que le coeur de ton chéri batte éternellement pour toi, ma belle Nevine!

Gros BISOUS et BELLE fin de semaine à tous deux****

Mildred said...

On dirait que Mr Bugspot a mangé mon commentaire!
Je disais, j’espère que le coeur de ton chéri battra éternellement pour toi, ma belle Nevine;o)

Big BIZZZOUZZZZ et BELLE fin de semaine à vous deux****

Mildred said...

He he he! Silly of me! Je repasse demain et je vais tous les retrouver;o)

Nevine Sultan said...

He he he... ouai!!! Je suis revenue!!! Je suis désolée que j'étais pas ici hier, ni avant-hier... mais j'étais extrêmement occupée!!! J'espère que tu me pardonneras... et merci pour tes mots, ma belle Mildred. Bisous bisous, mon amie!!! :-)

Mildred said...

Coucou Nevine!
He ben voilà. Ils sont tous là;o)
Mais comment veux-tu que je te pardonne quelque chose alors que tu n'as rien à te faire pardonner? C'est pas de ta faute si je suis très étourdie! Si tu savais le nombre de fois où je me suis fait traiter d'étourneau! Hi hi hi;o)

Bisous et belle après-midi, ma jolie****

Nevine Sultan said...

:-) :-) :-) :-) :-)

Craftsman of light said...

Here with you....
i've always found a place to sit around, and touch something i can't elsewhere.

How're you My Sweet Friend??....
Its been a long time since i've been here....and it feel so good, so wonderfully good to fill my lungs with your oxygen!
Keep making your miracles!
warm hugs!!!

Nevine Sultan said...

Dearest COL, so absolutely wonderful to see you here! I am well and happy... just very very busy with my studies. I understand completely that you haven't been around for a while... I don't get around much these days, either! Thank you for the lovely visit. May the oxygen of life always fill your spirit. Warm hugs back, my dear friend!