Thursday, March 15, 2012

"Night Talk" is Published!

“I’ve kissed a woman, you know,” you declare with a bit of a tremor in your voice. “It just happened. We were in an elevator. Just the two of us. We teased each other, playing hard to get. And when our lips met, it was just . . . so different from kissing a man. Her lips were like mine, but different. That kiss wasn’t about lust. It was about communion. It was beautiful.” You close your eyes for a moment. When you open them, you say, “I’ve always preferred women.”

The above is an excerpt from my short story, “Night Talk,” published in the Spring 2012 Edition of The Summerset Review. And what good hands my “Night Talk” has ended up in! I am joyful and proud, at once.

While you’re there, please check out some of the other fiction pieces and poetry selections in this edition . . . or in previous editions, for that matter. The Summerset Review is always selective and discerning, and never disappoints.

“Night Talk” is just one click away. I hope you enjoy. And hey . . . I know I’m a week or so ahead of the day for spring wishes, but . . . Happy Spring, everyone!


Man Named Kim said...

reading this, i'm in trouble, already. whew.

i'll click over and learn more!


nyssa said...

Congratulations, Nevine!! you are brilliant. I felt myself in the story having been the one, throughout my life, with the listening ears taking in the chaos and delusion of someone else's psyche. So brilliantly written! xo

Nevine Sultan said...

Happy reading, Kim!

Nevine Sultan said...

It seems we're all listeners, along the way. I'm so glad you enjoyed the story, Glynis. What a pleasure it was for me to know your thoughts!

Judith Mercado said...

"Twisting coils, glossy and deceiving, that have always sent you stumbling from the arms of one stranger to the arms of another."

Your capacity for creating vivid, effective images is unparalleled. I was familiar with it in your poetry. I see it is present in your prose as well.

Owen said...

Just read the entire story over on the other page... awesome... you really go deep, deep, deep into the minds of your characters. So many damaged people out there, many in need of a good therapist...

Excellent news on this being published, congrats, but then your work is so entirely worthy of being published... bravo !

bard said...

Congratulations -- and a fantastic story, as well! You definitely deserve greater exposure.

S. Susan Deborah said...

Congratulations dear Nevine, your penchant for digging deep into the human psyche is brilliant. I'm glad that the world is slowly getting to know the sheer joy of revelling in the art of Nevine Sultan.

Joy always,

Betty Manousos said...

YAY! i'm so excited! congrats my dearest nevine!
that's awesome!

i love the subject matter of your book, and the characters you bring to are blessed when creating them. it's only fascinating!
you ROCK, my sweet friend!

love and big hugs!

p.s. i'm always grateful for your always wonderful comments on my blog. they do really mean the absolute world.

Nevine Sultan said...

Judy, I'm so flattered by your comment. You are such a talented writer, so any feedback from you is more than welcome. Of course, when the feedback is this positive, I can't help but smile. Thanks, Judy.

Nevine Sultan said...

Owen, you are always a dedicated and faithful reader. Thank you for always being supportive of my humble successes in the writing world. I'm so happy to know you enjoyed the story. No... I'm just thrilled! :-)

Nevine Sultan said...

Bard, where have you been? It's such a pleasure to see you here! And what a boost to my ego that you liked my story! Thank you for visiting... and for taking the time to read and leave your thoughts. I hope you post again in the near future. I've really missed your poetry.

Nevine Sultan said...

Susan, what a treat for me your every visit is! And... slowly, yes. But slowly has always been my style. I like to take my time with everything... even the fun and exciting... or I become overwhelmed with it all and I miss the special moments. Thank you for your lovely thoughts, dear Susan. I truly appreciate them.

Nevine Sultan said...

My dear Betty, it's not quite a book... only a short story. But short story + short story + short story, eventually = a book! And I'm always happy and delighted to stop by and visit. I'm just sorry I have been so absent, lately. My studies are allowing me so little time to visit all of my favorite blogging friends... but I promise to swing by more often. I can't miss too many of your simply gorgeous posts. Thank you so much for your support, my dearest! Warm hugs to you!!!

Mildred said...

Oh, Nevine! C'est super! Bravo! Bravo! Bravo!
Mille fois BRAVO!
Désolée d'arriver un peu tard, j'ai eu un peu trop de travail ces jours-ci.
Je reviendrai pour te lire dans la journée. Je manque de temps maintenant.

BISOUS et à tout à l'heure****

Nevine Sultan said...

;-) Ne t'inquiète pas, Mildred! Nous avons tous tellement de choses à faire. Bisous, ma belle amie!

Elliot Grace said...

...wonderful prose, Nevine. Congratulations, a fellow wordsmith enjoying success.

So glad I stopped by ;)


Mildred said...

Coucou ma belle!
Voilà! J'ai j'ai adoré!
"We walk. The moon follows." J'adore cette image;o)
Je me suis identifié à la fois à celle qui parle et à celle qui écoute, mais avec un petit bémol en ce qui concerne celle qui parle. C'est que bien que j'ai toujours ressenti le désir de plaire aux hommes, je n'en ai consommé que 2,5! Hi hi hi!
Je dis 2,5 car pour le deuxième je me suis vite rendue compte que c'était une grosse bêtise et que rien de bon ne pouvait en résulter;o)
Ah, mais à force, tu vas tout connaître de ma vie;o)

Bizzzouzzzz et belle semaine, mon amie****

ps: donne mon bonjour à ton chéri et merci mille fois pour ces moments de plaisir intense que tu partages avec nous;o)

Mildred said...

"Spring sprouts teasingly
one leaf at a time"

Je te souhaite un joli printemps
bourgeonnant d'idées et de fleurs
et que les oiseaux et leurs chants
t'accompagnent dans ton beau labeur;o)

Re-BIZZZOUZZZZ et à bientôt, mon Amie****

Mildred said...

Et parfois aussi nous nous sentons fatigués et manquons de courage.
Merci ma belle d'être aussi compréhensible;o)


Nevine Sultan said...

Elliot, Welcome! I'm very glad you stopped by too. And thank you for your support. Writers supporting writers... what a wonderful thing! I hope you enjoy your visits here.

Nevine Sultan said...

2,5... he he he. Tu es si originale, ma belle Mildred! Je n'ai jamais entendu une telle chose auparavant!!! Je compte sur toi, toujours, pour l'humour!!! Je te remercie, ma belle, pour tes mots qui me font toujours sourire!!! :-) Big bisous... et je vais lui donner ton bonjour... oui!

Nevine Sultan said...

Happy Spring to you, ma belle!!! :-)

A Cuban In London said...

Congrats! I think I've just arrived at hte right time. Is there some coffee/tea and biscuits going here? :-) You must feel so proud. And I do, too. Of being one of your readers.

Greetings from London.

adriana said...

And I would like to go on a hike with you, but that neither had anything to refrain from saying.

Mildred said...

Coucou ma belle!
He he he! Je vois que toi aussi tu te promènes;o)
Et ma promenade à moi va devoir cesser car une pause s'impose!
Il faut que j'aille voir dans le frigo ce qu'il y a à manger. Hi hi hi hi;o)

Mille bisous et une très belle fin de semaine****

ps: passe mon bonjour à ton chéri;o)

Nevine Sultan said...

Thank you, Cuban. That is an honor for me. I am the proud one... and you are ever so gracious.

Nevine Sultan said...

Bon weekend, ma belle! Je lui dirai... ;-)

Mildred said...

Good morning Princess!
J'adore, vraiment. Que de tendresse dans ces quelques lignes!
Ça fait du bien;o)
Et tous ces petits cadeaux de la vie qui arrivent sans qu'on les demande, ça fait un bien fou aussi;o)
Merci pour ces jolis écrits qui mettent du baume dans le coeur de celui/celle qui les lit, ma belle amie.

Je t'embrasse et vous souhaite un très beau dimanche****

Nevine Sultan said...

Merci, ma belle Mildred. Je te remercie, mon amie! Tu es gentille gentille gentille! Je sors pour université maintenant, mais je te rendrai visite très bientôt. :-)