Poppies, Robert Clew
when the sky is white,
a hush falls over the house…
I fall inside myself.
And I travel with eyes wide
into visions of orchards:
young legs jouncing
between old trees
laughter’s flight intercepting
late spring’s tepid air
our cheeks ripe with may
and plump with mango
our arms hungry for contact
and flushed with frenzy
we sang
the queen of hearts
she made some tarts
all on a summer’s day
we ran
knowing, as children do,
if we kept running
we would exit here
and enter… where?
where the ground is no longer flat
the sky… no longer blue
where the body is no longer armor
but thoughtless reverie
we ran
yes, how joyfully!
and oh, how
we fell!
fragments of beveling sunlight
novel symmetries
through secret holes
our hands crammed with poppies
our eyes trimmed with dreams.
pure magic, Nevine. xo
Superbe comme toujours, ma belle Nevine!
J'ai l'impression d'entendre des rires d'enfant courant autour des arbres dans ce verger!
Et ça me ramène à mon enfance et me rappelle une comptine qu'on chantait quand j'étais gosse lorsque qu'une averse tombait et que tout à coup dans le ciel apparaissait un joli arc-en-ciel!
On chantait à tue-tête:
A chover e a fazer sol
Estão as bruchas no farol
Enroladas num lençol
A comer broa mole!"
Ça veut dire:
"Il pleut et il fait beau
Les sorcières sont dans le phare
enroulées dans un drap
elles mangent du pain de maïs mou!"
Merci pour ce voyage dans mon enfance, mon amie;o)
Gros BISOUS et BELLE semaine****
ps: donne mon bonjour à ton chéri****
Oh my...another treasure "from the keyboard of..."! Queen Nevine, hello!
How could ever I critique your creations. Love sees only perfection in the loved. So be it.
Ubiquity, what a beautiful word! It could well be the title of my religion, that I have believed--since childhood--my conception of time does not really exist. Based on that--"everything, all of creation, all of Eternity, is happening inside this split second
-- N O W !! WOW!
Certain that I am way off your idyllic "Ring-Around-the-Rosie" topic, I apologize, but not in shame. After all Nevine, it IS you who just now inspired a revival of those thoughts into whose depth I seldom descend. Life is much more happy (serene?) without trying to see into a hidden future of NOW! Right?
Thank you for letting me carry on here in your (to me) hallowed space! Delete if you wish, it is OK!!!
I do believe you may have captured the pure essence of childhood.
aw, nevine, every time i visit i grow more in awe of your talent!! what vivid images this poem conjures. getting inspired by you.
utterly beautiful, and magical!
your poem has the charm and the splendid element, which can make you feel good.
thank you my dearest!
big hugs to you!
...and thank you so much for your wonderful comments on my blog.
they are always heartening and very much appreciated!!
This took me right back to similar childhood experiences. The sweet innocence of nature, wild running through grass, thinking it would last forever.
Every day I come to this place like I used to walk to the mail box, eager to find a message FOR ME. All these days, the box had been empty. I walked back in, sighing, telling myself: Maybe tomorrow...
Today, MY MESSAGE is here! I read it over and over. I'll read it over and over and over again!
for this one, i cried.
How nice and lovely to read you again , Nevine!
This is full of aroma and escapes to your deep sweet soul
Coucou Nevine!
Je suis revenue te lire dans TNL et écouter la douce voix de Chandra et sa belle musique très apaisante!
J'en ai profité pour relire toutes tes "mindful serendipities", que j’aime énormément, et aussi ton avant dernier écrit;o)
J'espère que tu pourras pauser autant que tu le désires demain et savourer chaque petit moment d'une journée que je te souhaite délicieuse!
BISOUS et à tout bientôt, mon amie****
ps: donne mon BONJOUR à qui tu sais;o)
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