Sunday, December 29, 2013

Intentions... and 2014

We’re down to the last couple of days of 2013. As the year draws to a close, and I continue to try and recover from a term of doctoral studies that just about did me in, I find myself taken by the very impermanence of… everything! Life is so very dynamic, and so are we. How beautiful is that! I’ve found that there is nothing more magical and gripping as the present moment, and my present moment is truly enchanting.

Being in my present moment… and taking in the sumptuousness of it all… I recognize that I would like to carry with me an intention into 2014. As I see it, an intention is not the same thing as a resolution. Resolutions are self-promises we make when driven by much necessity and little emotionality. As a result, we rarely succeed at keeping our resolutions. Intentions, on the other hand, are self-determinations we make with much emotionality and little or no necessity. Because our feelings are very much in the picture when it comes to our intentions, more often than not, we are successful in making those intentions real.

As my life unfolds in a series of present moments, the intention that I would like to take with me, to decorate every present moment as it happens spontaneously and spellbindingly, is this thought from the eternal Rumi:

I wish you all a 2014 filled with treasured intentions, and the patience and persistence to pave the paths that lead to the manifestation of those intentions. 2014 is going to be a magnificent year. I can feel it in my bones.

A Very Happy 2014 from me… to each and every one of you! :-)



Mildred said...

Coucou ma belle Nevine!
J'ai pris plaisir à te lire. Comme toujours tu sais trouver les mots justes et faire naître les émotions!
Merci pour ta présence aussi virtuelle soit elle car c'est déjà un si beau cadeau!

Je ne sais encore quelles seront mes intentions, mais la tienne me plaît beaucoup! C'est juste que je ne me sens pas à la hauteur!
En tout cas j'espère que 2014 sera à la hauteur de tes prévisions et qu'elle t'apportera tout ce que tu désires et surtout la santé!

GROS BISOUS et très bonne fin d'année ma Zamie.

Mildred said...

Nevine, mon amie!
Tu n'es et ne seras jamais en retard pour me rendre visite.
De nous deux, c'est moi qui devrais te demander de m'excuser. J'ai souvent procrastriné cette année et franchement j'espère que j'aurai plus d'entrain en 2014!

GROS BISOUS affectueux et à bientôt;o)
ps: passe mon bonjour à qui tu sais si tu le veux bien;o)

adriana said...

Dear Nevine, Muy life is on fire! I decided that a long ago. You certainly fan my flames!
I know about your projects and I totally understand that you have to put this leisure in standby but I hope that as soon as you have a little more time you will pursue your publishing more.
I was just in Texas with my family! So close and yet so far!
I will chew a little on this great notion of the difference between a resolution and an intention.... although I have not word mine, I think I know what it is. Let's see how this great year unfolds, like a magnificent red carpet for you! And me!

steveroni said...

Each moment so valuable in the totaliy of moments. Somehow, I believe they are all ONE, Eternity being ONE GREAT moment. Eternity claims not time, nor moment. so there I stop thinking, and feast on your (and Rumi's) suggested program for "living" , really LIVING!

Thank you for your deepest thoughts about "things" during these years
and for your KINDEST thoughts about US years ahead.
JOY I wish for you in 2014, the joy of accomplishment, the joy of career, joy of writing, of family, and of just BEING!

Man Named Kim said...

Well positioned. I like this. One of the recordings I have playing in my head from childhood is "The road to Hell is paved with good intentions!" As such, framing intention in a positive light has always been problematic for me. I like your framework much better. Thank you, Nevine. May your intention be blessed and your life blaze with the amber warmth of friendship and the white-hot tendrils of inspiration!


Judith Mercado said...

Happy New Year, Nevine! I'm slowly returning to blogging. I suppose you could call that my intention. Thanks for helping me phrase it that way.

Betty Manousos said...

my wonderful special friend,

happy new year! may you enjoy peace, health and happiness in the coming year!
sending you loads and loads of the warmest hugs!

Mildred said...

Un bon gros bol de santé
Une bonne tasse d'harmonie
Une grosse louche de gaité
Une cuillère à soupe de fantaisie
Un beau bouquet de réussites
Des éclats de rire à volonté
Une pointe d'espièglerie
Une pincée de légèreté

Le tout intimement mélanger
Et faire chauffer chaque jour
Au doux feu de l'amour
Et de l'amitié conjugués!

Et sans retenue ou avec excès
Tout au long de l'année 2014
Se régaler!

C'est ce que, ma chère Nevine,
du fond du coeur
je viens te souhaiter!

Bonne année à toi et aux tiens et gros bisous

Unknown said...

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Gros bisous et belle semaine ma belle Nevine;o)