Saturday, March 14, 2015

Gravity and Grace

Art by Dan-Ah Kim

Oh, breathing body—
What stillness you reap!

Together, you and I…
Together, we creep deeper
into our unbroken communion.

I open...


.:: i am shadow ::.
.:: i am echo ::.


Moments of quietude.
Moments of clear space.
Moments of pure being.
Moments of transparency.

There is no content.
The chambers of the spirit are wide open.

Nothing stirs.
All is still.

I rest inside this place of no mind.
The ground beneath my feet is pearlescent.

Here, the hush of broken ice.
A diamond emerges from the rubble.

Nothing can eclipse this brightness!

.:: i am flame ::.
.:: i am wilderness ::.
.:: i am flight ::.

Oh, long-awaited response
to this body’s unanswered plea—
How you startle me into attendance!


adriana said...

You can cut a diamond in the depths of your mine and give it birth for us to wonder.

Nevine Sultan said...

We are all deep mines, unconsciously craving to self-excavate. I hope you are doing well, dearest. Thank you for your ever kind presence, Adriana. A warm hug from me to you.

Man Named Kim said...

Am i detecting a breath theme of late? Powerful stuff. "The hush of broken ice" - loves this line.

Nevine Sultan said...

Ha ha, Kim! You are so perceptive. Yes, there is a breath theme, of late. There is a body theme, actually. It's been a parallel process to the writing of my dissertation. Oh, well! That's just how things flow, for me. Thank you, Kim... always!

lahratika mis said...

nice lines...