Art by Leonor Fini
I know what I need.
Now . . . and . . . Now.
That is what matters!
Confusion doesn’t bother me.
So, why do I travel the hazy unknown
while gripping onto false assurances of certainty?
I dream of taking to sea in a seamless vessel,
grazing the fusion of water and sky and
breathing in the ocean’s immensity.
Yet, I linger in the covert spaces
between beginning and ending,
between purpose and goal.
I resolve.
I journey.
I flee. A random body on a premeditated ferry.
Where am I going?
Desire unlocks promises of consummation.
I wander inside my imagination.
I lose count of the hours,
the days, the years.
Oh, and fantasy!
Come, now! Be present.
A shadow stalks the horizon.
A clock ticks on a cloud.
And now,
Time flees indignantly.
But, Oh, deceitful spirit, I say.
Beware! I, too, am insolence.
And, I am sovereign.
And, I am risen
from this false dream—yours,
not mine!
not mine!
Oui, le temps file, et cela faisait longtemps que je ne t'avais rendu visite!
Et tes écrits sont toujours aussi savoureux!
J'espère que tu vas bien et que la vie te sourit, ma chère Nevine!
Tous mes meilleurs voeux pour 2020, que la santé, l'amour et la réussite t'accompagnent tout au long de cette année!
J'ai voulu t'écrire à plusieurs reprises, mais je n'ai pas ta nouvelle adresse! Snif!
Gros bisous, ma belle!
Fly and fly as high as you might!
Take to sea in the seamless vessel!
Enjoy your new year!
Coucou Nevine!
J'espère que tout va bien!
Keep safe! Gros bisous!
Gorgeous as usual. Thanks.
Greetings from London.
These days, I am wandering inside my imagination, losing count of the hours, the days and the years. The lockdown has given rise to many happening out of which one is the unbearable dissonance of the thoughts which sometimes gets stifling.
A joy to stop by, dear Nevine.
Hope you are doing well and are safe.
~ Susan
That last line spoke volumes to me. Thanks.
Greetings from London.
Cremilde, merci ma belle! I hope 2020 has been kind to you. I'll email you ma nouvelle adresse! À tant tôt! :-)
Thank you, Adriana! I hope you are flying high and staying safe, my dear!
Thank you for swinging by, Cuban. I always appreciate your visits here! I hope you're staying well...
Susan, thank you for this meaningful visit. 2020 has been a real challenge for many, and I can't help but notice how it's impacting mental wellness on a critical level. I hope 2021 will be kinder to the human race, and that we can also be kinder to ourselves and others. Always a joy to see you here, Susan, and I hope you are keeping well!
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