Monday, October 3, 2011

What We Are

Photo, Jolene Monheim

We are destined to be together, he tells her,
And she replies, Always… all ways.

But what do you say to the beloved
Who dares you… for Love… to drown in the sea?

Drown with me, he says,
And, Yes, she says, these are waves for you and me.

To sink, and as I fall, to choke, not on water,
But on the stillness of surrender and abandon.

To lose my Self to Yours, he says.
I drown, if I must, though I have already hit bottom,

Touched the end with my fingers, she says,
Fallen with full consciousness upon settling sands.

But though we drown, the depth of this ocean
Cannot snuff out the light of the sun, they chant,

Nor the having been-ness of yesterday,
Nor the will be-ness of tomorrow,

Nor the unquiet truth…

That the sky remains sky,

The sea remains sea,

And you and I… you and I.


Anonymous said...

I've always said love was like consumes, quiets, takes over....

a beautiful write dear friend, as always

Betty Manousos said...

great play with words!..."always- all ways!"

The glorious Love is present again in this wonderful poem.
i read it. i breathed it!

i love your poetry, my dearest, and keep reading it to investigate myself and my meaning and meanings.

wish you a great week ahead,

big hugs
betty xx

laughingwolf said...

marvelous imagery for love, thx nevine :)

adriana said...

Is this about merging and elation or about the sad impossibility of becoming one? It is all in the eyes of the beholder, isn't it?

adriana said...

Is this about merging and elation or about the sad impossibility of becoming one? It is all in the eyes of the beholder, isn't it?

Eva said...

I find this to be very sad. It makes me feel as though they have been so consumed in each other, and their love, that they no longer see the light in the sky, or the beauty in the waves. They would rather be taken to a place within where they can drown in each other. And there is nothing else. I find sadness in that.

I wonder sometimes what you see as you write, versus what I read. Your work stirs me. It is beautiful.

S. Susan Deborah said...

I can't say whether this is for real or an imagery. I can't imagine someone saying "dare" when in love. Maybe its possible. Maybe it is not. Drowning, to me, hints at cutting off from everything else and being consumed with the self or love. "You and I" need the other as well. They cannot always remain so. I feel melancholic as I read this.

Joy always,

Nevine Sultan said...

David – Yes, it does consume, indeed! But there is always that bit of us that resists total consumption, I think. Thank you for the lovely comment.

Betty – Love lives, it seems, despite all adversity… if it is willing and strong. Thank you, my dearest Betty, for your very sweet thoughts. A fabulous week to you, too… and hugs back!

Nevine Sultan said...

LW – Oh, thank you. Yes, this piece was more about the images and metaphors than the actual words, I think.

Adriana – About your question, “It is all in the eyes of the beholder, isn’t it?” Yes! I’ve always believed that there are no true realities, but only the realities we wish to see, or the realities we DO see, based on who… and what… we are. That’s why we all have different spins to everything, and one event or relationship can mean something to one person and another thing entirely to the other. Merging and elation or the sad impossibility of becoming one? Oh, that would be up to you to decide then, Adriana, because it is, like you said, in the eyes of the beholder.

Nevine Sultan said...

Eva – About what I see versus what you read, there will always be the difference in perspective. For me, this was about being consumed, yes. But it was also about realizing and understanding that though they are lost in one another (or choose to be lost), there are still forces that allow them to live. They do see, though they are on the bed of the sea, the light of the sun. They do know there is something else out there besides the Oneness of who they are. They do realize that yesterday and today and tomorrow exist.

Susan – I wonder that you felt melancholic, but as I mentioned to Adriana and Eva, there is always how we see and read things, and how others see and read (or write) them. We all bring our differing perspectives and worldviews to everything we experience, and these perspectives shape how we will interpret something. I don’t dare to change your perspective, Susan. It is yours and you are entitled to it, of course, though I had something else in mind from melancholic when I wrote this. For me, it was about hope. It was about knowing there is light, despite being consumed. Speaking of daring, I feel we are always daring one another in our relationships, and not only those love relationships. Even if we don’t speak the dare, there it is, silent but present. Even in our coming together to form a relationship, I feel we are daring one another to build it from scratch, and to make it work.

Mildred said...

Je suis venue te lire hier mais je n'ai pas laissé de commentaire!
Pourquoi? Parce que, bien qu'il soit très beau et très agréable à lire, ton texte pousse à la réflexion;o)
Alors, j'ai réfléchi, et je pense que l'amour n'est pas suivre l'autre quoi qu'il vous demande. L'amour c'est empêcher l'autre de prendre un mauvais chemin si on qu'il se trompe!
L'amour, dans l'idéal, c'est avoir envie de faire la même chose pour s'élever dans les airs et non pas couler au fond de l'eau.
L'amour...ah l'Amour!

Big BIZZZZOUZZZZ ma belle, et que ton amour veille toujours sur toi et ne t'emmène que dans de beaux jardins****

Mildred said...

He he he! It's tea time;o) Je repasserai te lire dans TNL!

Re-big BIZZZZZZZet à tantôt****

Mildred said...

Hi hi hi! Je reviens parce que tu viens de passer chez moi!
Encore une fois, nous nous croisons virtuellement;o)
Merci pour ta visite, mon amie;o)

Re-re BIZZZZZZZ et à tantôt****

Natasha Milburn Lalita (Novelist) said...

Oh, the inexplicable power of surrender!
You have touched, with such beautiful strokes, upon the most delicate of all inevitabilities.
Do we merge with our entireness?
I will relish this feeling for long, as a matter of fact I will live in it for a while
Your art is deeply moving and transforming

Man Named Kim said...

So often we seek this complete absorption into another. So often we dream of becoming one. So seldom do we speak f the real loss in this merger. You have captured so wonderfully the loss that this new creation demands.

S. Susan Deborah said...

Nevine, your way of seeing things is wonderful. I have never thought of that perspective. After reading your thoughts, I read the poem again. Needless to say, I read it very differently from yesterday. This is amazing: the power of perspectives and interpretation.

Thanks Nevine.

Joy always,

Nevine Sultan said...

Mildred – “L’amour, dans l’idéal…” Oui, je suis d’accord. Mais parfois on n’a pas envie de faire les mêmes choses, non? Mais l’amour éxiste encore. He he he… je rigole, ma belle. Je comprends ce que tu veux dire, en même temps. Oui, je comprends. Et oui, on a fait la même chose dans le virtuel qu’il y a quelques jours. C’est sympa, quoi! Big bises!!!

Lolita – You are a sweety, and thank you. Surrender to love is a beautiful feeling, so long as the two are surrendering together, no one holding back.

Nevine Sultan said...

Kim – It is a scary notion, I think, to become one with somebody outside of oneself. I don’t know if it is even completely possible. But the thought of it is compelling, to me. So often we are entirely self-absorbed, and so often we lose out on beautiful relationships because we are afraid to let go. Thank you for the nice thoughts, Kim.

Susan – I fear I have swayed your thinking to mine. Oh, that was not my intention at all! Still, it is nice to see things from another dimension. I suppose that is what makes these little discussions so interesting. We have our own thoughts, and everybody else has theirs. And we all get to read what everyone else thinks and maybe think on it, too, without necessarily changing our original thinking. Thank you for taking the time to come back, Susan. I really appreciate it.

Mildred said...

Merci pour ta réponse rapide. Oh, oui! Je suis un 'worry wart"! Mais tu m'as rassurée. J'aime bien quand mes amis vont bien, alors je suis contente;o)
J'ai bu mon Russian Earl Grey en me promenant dans le jardin. Il fait encore très bon même si les nuages sont arrivés depuis hier et que la température a un peu baissé!
En fait, les mois de juillet et août ont été bien mauvais et l'été n'est arrivé qu'au début du mois de septembre pour durer jusqu'à hier!
Voili, voilou! He he he! C'est l'heure du repas du soir: nouilles au jambon, poivrons, oignons et à la crème fraîche au menu;o)

Big BIZZZOUZZZZ et belle après-midi, ma belle****

Judith Mercado said...

I don't know how you do it, Nevine, and you do it consistently in all your work, but you create work that seems as if it has a soundtrack in the background that ebbs and flows and attracts and repels ... but never lets go of the reader. I invariably end a piece slightly breathless. It's astonishing.

Nevine Sultan said...

Mildred - Yummy yummy!!! Nouilles au jambon! Nouilles nouilles nouilles! Et bien, c'est l'heure du repas chez moi, cette fois! Mais je vais rien manger parce qu'il est déjà trop tard pour manger. Je vais boire un verre de vin et voilà... ça me suffit! Je te souhaite une belle vendredi et bises, ma belle amie!!!

Judy - You always have choice words to describe my work, and I can't tell you enough how much I appreciate that! I appreciate it all the more because you are such a fine writer yourself. Thank you, Judy.

Psychs said...

Hi Nevine, I'm new to your blog, hope you dont mind me leaving a comment.

Its a beautiful poem. Being strongly binded by love, the want to be fully absorbed in something so powerful yet to know that outside the realms of the bond there will always be external influences that control the levels of deepness. I particulary like you line 'the depth of this ocean cannot snuff out the light of the sun', in reality its so true. Thanks for a great read.

Best wishes. Paul

Poetic Sauce - Pauls Personal Poetry Blog

Cildemer said...

Je passe juste faire un petit coucou et te souhaiter une merveilleuse fin de semaine;o)

Big BIZZZOUZZZZ, ma belle****

ps: donne un grand bonjour à ton chéri;o)

void said...

this is so beautiful, Nevine. Reminds me of the beginning stages of falling in love, a magical journey. thanks for sharing :)

Nevine Sultan said...

Paul - Hello, and welcome! Of course I don't mind your leaving a comment... your thoughts are always welcome. Thank you for stopping in and leaving something for me to ponder on. I hope you enjoy your visits to Dreams.

Cremilde - Merci, ma belle amie... et je lui donnerai ton bonjour! Bisous!!!

Urban Butterfly - Yes, somewhat like the beginning stages... and somewhat like some of the stages in between, too, I suppose. Thank you, Camille.

steveroni said...

THIS piece is POETRY! (As is the fine lines!)

"Lose myself to yourself"--THE ultimate love!

Ma'am, you ARE special!


Nevine Sultan said...

Steve - Thank you. You are always so generous with your praise. I'm so happy to know you liked it. :-)

The Voice of Reason said...

Beautiful words , beautiful writing .. so deep

Nevine Sultan said...

Thank you, and welcome to my writing space, Voice of Reason. I hope you enjoy your visits here.